搜索"弗兰" ,找到 31部影视作品
索菲(米凯·萨姆纳 Mickey Sumner 饰)是弗朗西斯(格蕾塔·葛韦格 Greta Gerwig 饰)最要好的朋友兼室友,两人整日里出双入对,关系俨然比情侣要亲密的多。然而某日,索菲忽然告诉弗朗西斯,自己要搬到城中和另一个女孩同住。虽然索菲万般保证两人还是朋友,但弗朗西斯的内心依旧十分失落。 无法独自负担房租的弗朗西斯只得另觅住处,索菲的朋友列夫(亚当·德赖弗 Adam Driver 饰)在关键时刻助了弗朗西斯一臂之力,就这样,弗朗西斯开始了和列夫以及列夫的室友本吉(迈克尔·泽根 Michael Zegen 饰)一起的同居生活,并承诺会在圣诞节的舞蹈演出后付齐房租。糟糕的是,没过多久,弗朗西斯便丢掉了工作。一时之间,她不知道自己究竟该何去何从。
刚刚步入老年的弗兰克(弗兰克·兰格拉 Frank Langella饰)开始有轻微老年痴呆的症状,时常神智混乱,无法与人们进行正常的交流。他的一对儿女亨特(詹姆斯·麦斯登 James Marsden饰)、麦迪森(丽芙·泰勒 Liv Tyler饰)为父亲提供了一个机器人(彼得·萨斯加德 Peter Sarsgaard配音)来照料他的日常生活。弗兰克一开始无法接受这个冷冰冰的机器人,在经历了初期的磨合后,弗兰克发现眼前这个全能机器人不仅细心照料着自己的起居,更会静静地陪在身边,温柔地倾听自己的内心。弗兰克和机器人慢慢变成了好朋友。为了赢得图书管理员詹妮弗(苏珊·萨兰登 Susan Sarandon 饰)的好感,机器人跟着弗兰克为爱上演了一出惊天奇案。 本片在2012年圣丹斯独立电影节上一鸣惊人,荣获2012年圣丹斯电影节阿尔弗雷德.P.斯隆长片电影奖。
乔恩(多姆纳尔·格利森 Domhnall Gleeson 饰)是一个热爱音乐的年轻人,某天误打误撞加入了一支有点神经质的地下乐队,乐队的主唱兼灵魂人物是弗兰克(迈克尔·法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰)——既是才华横溢的天才、又是终日戴着一个硕大头套的 怪人。乔恩跟着乐队到爱尔兰某个偏僻的小木屋里录制专辑,他们在此过上几近与世隔绝的生活。这一年来,乔恩一直私自将他们的生活以视频的形式发布在社交网络上。终于,乐队的奇特经历引起了某个音乐节主办方的关注,乔恩说服成员们远赴美国参加这个叫西南偏南(SXSW)的音乐节,藉此成名。 本片根据乔恩·强森的回忆录改编。片中的乐队领袖弗兰克以Chris Sievey为原型。Chris Sievey在七八十年代红极一时,他同时是个风趣演员,以喜剧形象“Frank Sidebottom”驰誉。在弗兰克身上还能看到Daniel Johnston、Captain Beefheart等特立独行的音乐人的影子。
Gilles Penso,Alexandre Poncet
電影一世紀,妖魔鬼怪亂銀幕也一世紀,從恐龍怪獸豆泥模型,到生動又恐怖特效化妝,到數碼特技革命搞怪搞得呼風喚雨,其實是人類借助千年神話,開發想像力的大功告成。想知怪物嚇人真相,兩個怪物頭號粉絲三年來孜孜走訪數十特效工作室,直擊傑出搞怪大師,《異形》《小魔怪》《未來戰士》《侏羅紀公園》《星河戰隊》等等怪物創作過程獨家披露,看創作者與怪物的激越關係,看怪物粉不離不棄old school 精神。巨大怪物情意結發「神」功,很像一部《科學怪人》哩!
Two hundred years after Mary Shelley's novel the brilliant but mad Doctor (Thomas Kretschmann) has sustained his creature and himself over two centuries through genetic experimentation. In present-day America Detective O'Connor (Parker Posey) is investigating a series of horrific murders which leads her to the doctor and his creature. What she uncovers reveals the strange evolution the doctor and his creation undergo over the course of two centuries and the divergent paths creator and monster take in pursuing good or evil. 在玛丽·雪莱的小说两百年后,才华横溢但疯狂的医生使他自己和他的怪物从两个世纪前的当初的实验一直幸存下来。如今,美国探员 O'Connor 在调查系列谋杀案时,被引向了医生和他的怪物,并揭露出在长达两个多世纪的漫长岁月中,医生和他作品间的奇特演变和他们踏上善与恶的不同道路。
G.J. Echternkamp tells the story of his relationship with his parents, his mother Cindy (Russo) and his step-father, Frank (Platt). Frank used to be a member of OXO, a band from the '80s whose one hit wonder scored with the song "Whirly Girl". Cindy was the ultimate groupie who married Frank and thought life would be glamorous and award shows, but it's not how it turned out.
Released in France as La Kermesse Heroique, Carnival in Flanders is set during the long-ago war between the Dutch and Spanish. A tiny village in Flanders is invaded by Spanish troops. The townsfolk have heard of Spanish cruelties in other towns, and decide to deflect the vanquishers by playing dead. This isn't terribly effective (you have to take a breath once in a while), so the wife of the burgomaster tries to soften up the invaders with a lavish carnival. So successful is this venture that the Spaniards allow the village to escape being decimated, or even taxed. An award-winner many times over, Carnival in Flanders was banned in Germany; evidently, Goebbels caught on that director Jacques Feyder and scenarists Bernard Zimmer and Charles Spaak were drawing deliberate parallels between the Spanish and the then-burgeoning Nazis.
正驻扎于伦敦的马戏团内,生活着自幼驼背的青年(丹尼尔·雷德克里夫 Daniel Radcliffe 饰)。他的丑样子只能供人家取乐,而青年独独热爱医学,尤其擅长解剖学。在某次演出事故中,青年用自己的学识救下了摔成骨折命悬一线的女演员罗蕾莱(杰西卡·布朗·芬德利 Jessica Brown Findlay 饰)。他的学问得到疯狂科学家维克多·弗兰肯斯坦(詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊 James McAvoy 饰)的赏识,于是后者想方设法将其劫了出来,还为其起名伊戈尔。在此之前,弗兰肯斯坦曾经做出盗取动物园死亡动物尸体的事情,而他这一系列的做法只为进行一项疯狂大胆的实验,那就是缝缝补补创造出来人造的生物。 疯狂之旅就此展开……
二战期间,名叫迪米特里(Alexander Mercury 饰)的莫斯科电影学院研究生有幸接到伟大领袖斯大林同志的命令,以战地摄影师的身份跟随诺维科夫(Robert Gwilym 饰)率领的侦查连队奔赴前线。他的镜头中记录了战士们闲暇的瞬间以及战场上激烈交战的情景,当然也有这些在战争洗礼中丧失人性的士兵罪恶兽性的一面。在一个天寒地冻的时节,侦察连队接到代号熊虎303小队的求救电话,诺维科夫率队启程前往对方所在的偏僻矿区。谁知那里的情景令所有人大为震惊,当地尸横遍野,几无人烟,好像不久前刚刚经历过几位惨烈的战斗。而时不时突然出现的恐怖丧尸更威胁着侦察连队的安危。 究竟这里曾发生过什么样的惨剧?
Released in France as La Kermesse Heroique, Carnival in Flanders is set during the long-ago war between the Dutch and Spanish. A tiny village in Flanders is invaded by Spanish troops. The townsfolk have heard of Spanish cruelties in other towns, and decide to deflect the vanquishers by playing dead. This isn't terribly effective (you have to take a breath once in a while), so the wife of the burgomaster tries to soften up the invaders with a lavish carnival. So successful is this venture that the Spaniards allow the village to escape being decimated, or even taxed. An award-winner many times over, Carnival in Flanders was banned in Germany; evidently, Goebbels caught on that director Jacques Feyder and scenarists Bernard Zimmer and Charles Spaak were drawing deliberate parallels between the Spanish and the then-burgeoning Nazis.
乔恩(多姆纳尔·格利森 Domhnall Gleeson 饰)是一个热爱音乐的年轻人,某天误打误撞加入了一支有点神经质的地下乐队,乐队的主唱兼灵魂人物是弗兰克(迈克尔·法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰)——既是才华横溢的天才、又是终日戴着一个硕大头套的 怪人。乔恩跟着乐队到爱尔兰某个偏僻的小木屋里录制专辑,他们在此过上几近与世隔绝的生活。这一年来,乔恩一直私自将他们的生活以视频的形式发布在社交网络上。终于,乐队的奇特经历引起了某个音乐节主办方的关注,乔恩说服成员们远赴美国参加这个叫西南偏南(SXSW)的音乐节,藉此成名。 本片根据乔恩·强森的回忆录改编。片中的乐队领袖弗兰克以Chris Sievey为原型。Chris Sievey在七八十年代红极一时,他同时是个风趣演员,以喜剧形象“Frank Sidebottom”驰誉。在弗兰克身上还能看到Daniel Johnston、Captain Beefheart等特立独行的音乐人的影子。
Ian Michael Jones
Frank Lloyd Wright is America's greatest-ever architect. However, few people know about the Welsh roots that shaped his life and world-famous buildings. Now, leading Welsh architect Jonathan Adams sets off across America to explore Frank Lloyd Wright's masterpieces for himself. Along the way, he uncovers the tempestuous life story of the man behind them and the significance of his radical family background. In a career spanning seven decades, Frank Lloyd Wright built over 500 buildings, and changed the face of modern architecture: Fallingwater, the house over the waterfall, has been called the greatest house of the 20th century; the spiralling Guggenheim Museum in New York reinvented the art museum; the concrete Unity Temple was the first truly modern building in the world. But the underlying philosophy that links all Wright's buildings is as important as anything he built. Those ideas were rooted in the Unitarian religion of Frank Lloyd Wright's mother. Anna Lloyd Jones was born and raised near Llandysul in west Wales and migrated to America with her family in 1844, most likely to escape religious persecution. Her son, Frank, was raised in a Unitarian community in Wisconsin, a small piece of Wales in America. The values he absorbed there were based on the sanctity of nature, the importance of hard work, and the need to question convention and defy it where necessary. Wright's architecture was shaped by, and expressed, these beliefs. Frank Lloyd Wright set out to create a new American architecture for a new country. He built his own lifelong home in the valley he was raised in, and he named it after an ancient Welsh bard called Taliesin. It was the scene of many adventures - and a horrific crime. In 1914, a servant at Taliesin ran amok and killed seven people including Wright's partner, Mamah Cheney, and her two young children. Wright rebuilt his home and went on to marry a Montenegrin woman, Olgivanna Milanoff, some 30 years younger than him. It was Olgivanna who struck upon the idea that saved Wright's career after the Wall Street Crash and personal scandal laid it low. She decided that her husband should take on apprentices and that the apprentices should pay for the privilege. The Taliesin Fellowship had a hands-on approach, with apprentices often building extensions to Wright's own houses, labouring and cooking for him. Somehow it worked, lasting for decades and nurturing hundreds of young talents. Frank Lloyd Wright died in 1959 aged 91 while working on his final masterpiece, New York's incomparable Guggenheim Museum. He had been born in the wake of the American civil war, the son of a pioneer, and died a television celebrity, in the space age. He is buried in the shadow of Taliesin, alongside his Welsh ancestors. A 150 years after his birth, Jonathan Adams argues that Frank Lloyd Wright is now a vitally important figure who can teach us how to build for a better world. Wright believed in what he called organic architecture; buildings that grace the landscape, express an idea of how to live and respond to individual needs. This bespoke approach - a philosophy, not a style - puts him at the heart of modern architectural thinking.
正驻扎于伦敦的马戏团内,生活着自幼驼背的青年(丹尼尔·雷德克里夫 Daniel Radcliffe 饰)。他的丑样子只能供人家取乐,而青年独独热爱医学,尤其擅长解剖学。在某次演出事故中,青年用自己的学识救下了摔成骨折命悬一线的女演员罗蕾莱(杰西卡·布朗·芬德利 Jessica Brown Findlay 饰)。他的学问得到疯狂科学家维克多·弗兰肯斯坦(詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊 James McAvoy 饰)的赏识,于是后者想方设法将其劫了出来,还为其起名伊戈尔。在此之前,弗兰肯斯坦曾经做出盗取动物园死亡动物尸体的事情,而他这一系列的做法只为进行一项疯狂大胆的实验,那就是缝缝补补创造出来人造的生物。 疯狂之旅就此展开……
乔恩(多姆纳尔·格利森 Domhnall Gleeson 饰)是一个热爱音乐的年轻人,某天误打误撞加入了一支有点神经质的地下乐队,乐队的主唱兼灵魂人物是弗兰克(迈克尔·法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰)——既是才华横溢的天才、又是终日戴着一个硕大头套的 怪人。乔恩跟着乐队到爱尔兰某个偏僻的小木屋里录制专辑,他们在此过上几近与世隔绝的生活。这一年来,乔恩一直私自将他们的生活以视频的形式发布在社交网络上。终于,乐队的奇特经历引起了某个音乐节主办方的关注,乔恩说服成员们远赴美国参加这个叫西南偏南(SXSW)的音乐节,藉此成名。 本片根据乔恩·强森的回忆录改编。片中的乐队领袖弗兰克以Chris Sievey为原型。Chris Sievey在七八十年代红极一时,他同时是个风趣演员,以喜剧形象“Frank Sidebottom”驰誉。在弗兰克身上还能看到Daniel Johnston、Captain Beefheart等特立独行的音乐人的影子。